Sunday, 7 December 2014

Word searching

Make Your Own Word Search

Creating a word search or any sort of puzzle is a great way to introduce new words or topics to your students.
I have quickly created one for topics that would be covered throughout a year. It could even be used at the start of a lesson to give a quick introduction into new words the students will learn or even at the end possibly without the words to search to see if the students have remembered.
Either way they are really easy to create and have many ways in which to use them. Click here to create your own

End of a blog

Coming to the end of my ICT module has made me realise how much I've learnt and how many  ideas I now have to try not only at work but at home as well with my children.

I knew technology was useful and an effective teaching tool but this has really opened my eyes. I now know how to create these activities and how I could introduce these into future lessons which is invaluable.
A short amount of time has been packed full of useful information. Find out more about this course here.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

How technology has changed the way we learn

To understand if and how technology has changed the way we learn, we need to have a look at the types of learners and how we learn. Honey & Mumford adapted Kolb’s learning model and came up with four types of leaners which are activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. However there are many different learning models. The important thing with learning styles is that teachers are aware of them and know how to identify them in the students. Reed says ‘Acknowledging learning styles therefore can help to promote skills that can extend beyond school’ (2005, p64). Discovering the way we learn can enhance our learning in other situations not just in an education setting.
In order for us to learn and gain knowledge, information must pass into the long term memory from repetition (Petty, 2009). This process will not change but we can use technology to enhance the process and make it easier for students to keep that knowledge and be able to recall it later.
Technology has changed the way we teach and given teachers new ways of teaching and enhancing the lessons. Whether this has changed the way we actually learn is up for debate. Petty says ‘It is what students do that creates learning not what technology does’ (2009, p391).  I can definitely see his point and do agree that in the end it is what the students do and what we do as teachers with the technology that creates the learning not just the technology used.
Technology has aided everyone in teaching and learning. Students with learning disabilities have been affected in one of the most positive ways within a learning environment.  The way in which they can learn now because of technology has changed. It has definitely been made a lot easier with the aids of assistive technology. Florian & Hegarty state ‘It has been suggested that technology is a great equaliser, for that many people with disabilities technology can serve as a kind cognitive prosthesis to overcome or compensate for differences among leaners’(2004, p10). I think that this summarises the impact that technology has had on learning. This gives equal opportunities for everyone to learn.
There are arguments for thinking that technology aids the learning process and that it has changed the way people actually learn. Technology aids the way in which teachers can facilitate learning and has given people equal opportunities to feel on par with everyone else in the class. Whichever way it is approached the bottom line is that technology has changed and helped teachers and students learn. This can only be a positive step in this changing world we live in.
Florian, L & Hegarty J. (2004). ICT and special educational needs, Maidenhead : Open University press

Petty, G. (2009). Teaching Today; A Practical Guide, 4th Edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes ltd

Reed, G. (2005). Learning styles and inclusion, London: Sage Publications ltd