Wednesday 19 November 2014

A good blog

I've looked and read through a number of blogs, some interesting and some not so interesting! I was looking for blogs around Autism. I'm not sure what I was hoping to find either a blog with some personal experiences on it to gain knowledge and advice or a factual blog with up to date details and some charts. I came across this blog called 'The Autism Teacher'.

This woman works with children on the autism spectrum. She blogs about activities she has done in her classroom and ideas that she has created for individuals after coming up against problems. Although I do not work with children some of the ideas she has on here could be adapted slightly to be used with adults in some workshops to develop knowledge, independence or even motor skills. The content could be made less child like and changed to make the method relevant to that individual.

This is the link if you'd like to have a look at her ideas:

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