Wednesday 26 November 2014


Through doing my placement training I have found another interesting blog called Down side up. It was started up by a Mum who had a child born with down syndrome. Hayley and her husband were thrown into a new world finding out all about the condition. She started the blog and  her aim is:

'My mission is now to inspire new parents, show the world that many incredible things are possible for our children, and shout out that Down's syndrome truly is wonderful and that life will carry on, only just a little bit better.'

The blog has great advice for where parents can find support and advice on down syndrome. She also talks about and gives fun activities parents can do with their children/family members to support people in their lives who have down syndrome. These activities and the advice here can also be used and adapted by teachers who support adults with down syndrome to help in their development and independence.

A very positive blog that not only dispels myths surrounding down syndrome but gives helpful and useful advice.

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